Sleep Apnea & Oral Sleep Appliances
Dr. Scott Thompson is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. If you are looking for an experienced sleep specialist in Plano, TX, call Dr. Thompson today.
Sleep Apnea is a serious and potentially life-threatening disorder that affects millions of people. At Thompson Family Dental in Plano, TX, we understand that treatment for your sleep apnea disorder needs to be customized to your specific condition and symptoms in order to have the greatest effectiveness. If you think you are suffering from sleep apnea or are experiencing any of the following symptoms, then you should request a full examination with our dentist, Dr. Thompson, in order to determine the cause and best treatment:
Episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep (ask your partner or another person to help you determine if this occurs)
Gasping for air during sleep
Awakening with a dry mouth
Morning headache
Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
Difficulty paying attention while awake
If you have questions about sleep apnea or whether you should be using oral sleep appliances, please contact our dental office in Plano, TX. We want to help every patient achieve optimal oral and dental health!
What treatment is available for sleep apnea?
Many people cringe at the idea of being diagnosed with sleep apnea because of fear or anxiety regarding CPAP machines (continuous positive airway pressure), a common and reliable method of treating sleep apnea. However, alternative options for treating sleep apnea are available and may be recommended by your dentist once your condition is evaluated and properly diagnosed.
Oral appliances are a treatment option designed to keep your throat open by bringing your jaw forward, which can relieve snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea. Watch the short video below for an illustration of how oral appliances can help treat sleep apnea. For a thorough evaluation and customized treatment options for your sleep apnea, book an appointment with Dr. Scott Thompson, dentist and experienced sleep specialist in Plano, TX.
Oral sleep appliances are a proven treatment for snoring & sleep apnea.